Aunika Constantine
How Do YOU Feel
How Do YOU Feel - I purposefully didn't end with a punctuation mark because I wanted this to be an open-ended statement. Up for discussion and conversation. I started off with an idea and then throughout the process of really shelling out this project, I found myself constantly being asked "How do you feel?" I don't know how to always put my emotions or thoughts into words so that was the whole purpose of this. Everything within this series was thoughtfully planned and worked on to be able to achieve what I call, my brain on paper. I'm so excited and nervous to
share this project because I actually did it, I was able to pull out my mind and conceptualize it into this piece. I'm nervous because I probably did this a little too well and I am now sharing a piece of me with you all. Again, my reason for creating this is because I don't always know how to express myself so I chose this medium to help me. I hope that by looking through these images you find something you can relate to, I hope that if you felt alone, that now you know you are not. I do believe in art holding its own meaning but also the audience creating their own story from the art. So I ask, safe place, share your thoughts with me about the series.