\Cypress Hills Fulton BID

\Cypress Hills Fulton BID

The Cypress Hills Fulton BID development effort was begun by the leaders of Cypress Hills Business Partners, a merchants association facilitated by Cypress Hills Local Development Corporation with support from the NYC Department of Small Business Services.

YDC Developed the brand and Website to house the voting ballot for the formation of the BID.


The organization was in need of branding to distinguish themselves from other business improvement districts, references the area of Cypress Hills, and has a clean, friendly approach.

The Solution

A branding identity system and a website was created to launch their new brand and spread awareness of the organization’s mission.

References to the community were also included in the logo design to further localize the brand. These references include Cypress Hills, NYC staples like overhead trains, and hills.

The website is available in English, Spanish and Chinese. The website also has a digital ballot to vote for the BID.

Cypress Hills Fulton BID

Ana Frink

December 2021


Together We Thrive


Hip Hop FinFest